7. Safe Kids Online : Basic Guide For Parents

We are seeing many kid and children are spending more time online . . . some watching videos, some playing games. Extra task is on parents now, you must watch them, ask what are they doing, what kind of content they are consuming, what kind of games they are playing. There are various educational tools in the internet which students can use and learn new stuffs . . . next side of coin, there are other stuffs too which comes with the risks like cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and online strangers.

You can start protecting your kid by setting up parental controls on their devices (or devices that they use on daily basis) and installed apps to filter inappropriate content. Always monitor children's screen time to prevent overuse and maintain healthy balance with other activities (school assignments, playing outside in the field). Don't forget to talk to your child about online dangers and don't forget to teach them not to share personal information online. If they play games, or if they are using social media . . . teach them about not to add strangers to friend list, not to chat with them, not to share personal information in social media, in case of games : teach them not to be aggressive and not to use scold / rough words to other people . . . other gamers might bully your kid, teach your kid to immediately report these kinds of stuff, and log out of that game session and ask them to share such incident with you. Communicate with your kid, make them feel that you are there to listen. Observe your kid's online activity regularly. 

More on this online gaming topic : LEARN HERE

Stay involved and informed as it can help your child to guide the internet safely and responsibly. Follow Cyber Safe Steps.

Image by Adrian from Pixabay
